FarSeen Snippet 3

In less than two weeks, my novella, FarSeen, will be released from Total-E-Bound. On October 18, 2013 to be exact. And to be more specific, FarSeen is available fFarSeenor pre-release download right now from the TEB site. It’s the general release that isn’t until 10/18/13.

FarSeen is part of TEB’s Wanton Witches collection. Which coincides perfectly with the Halloween holiday. Because FarSeen has three witches and it involves All Hallows Eve. Magic and menage, a fabulous combination. So without further adieu, here is the blurb followed by an excerpt. The third of my promised four. The fourth snippet will be posted on the day the book is generally released. Until then, enjoy excerpt the third. 😀



Taking a break from finding the cure for a magic sickness killing witches, Evangeline (Evie) Parker picks up Drew for a night of hot sex. One night is not enough, however. In strange twist of fate, Trent, Drew’s partner also comes into Evie’s life. One night is definitely not enough when two becomes three. As they come together, they realize while separately they are good, together they are great.

All Hallows Eve is the time when the cure to the magic sickness is predicted to make itself known. Combining magic and sex on that special night cures more than the magic sickness afflicting the witch community, it also cures three lonely hearts.

FARSEEN is hot and sweet in a small tasty bite. It is filled with sex magic, lit up chakras and hearts slowly opening up to each other.



Before she could answer, her grandmother returned with a large man. Even though she had left Drew’s bed that morning, this man took her breath away.

He was large. Not tall but stocky, built. Big. He had light brown hair, threaded with golden highlights, but it was the stormy grey-green eyes that really captured her attention. He was almost too rugged-looking to be considered classically good-looking, but his eyes turned him from nondescript to stunning.

“Evie, honey, this is Trent,” her grandmother introduced the large man. “He’s going to help you find the source of the sickness.”

“Ummm, okay, Grandmother.” Evie was distracted again. At this rate, she was never going to figure out the cure. Between Sara’s interest in her hook-up last night and her grandmother bringing hot guys to her stillroom, Evie was going to be off track for days.

“He owns a computer security company but he’s agreed to do some consulting work for the coven,” her grandmother offered.

Evie’s brain finally caught up to the conversation with her grandmother. “Umm, I already have some help, Grandma.”

“Not as good as Trent, child,” her grandmother informed her primly.

“Oh, well.” She looked at Trent and shrugged her shoulders. “Umm, hi. I’m Evie.” She held out her hand.

“It’s nice to meet you, Evie,” he told her as he took her hand.

Oh snap. Her body shivered when he took her hand. The last guy she had had this reaction to was Drew and she had got all naked and sweaty with him.


FarSeen Banner


Current Projects 2

So I have a lot on my plate. Took almost a month and half off this summer. I had a few non-writerly things that needed doing. I got ‘er done. But it pushed back my schedule a bit. Which means, I have to race to the finish line now. I have several goals I want to meet before the end of the year. So instead of a full blog post, I thought I’d use the nifty little feature my post page is showing me and just do a brief status update on my current projects.

1. I’m trying to learn Scrivener. Many writerly types have told me that I will think writing is revolutionized by this program. So far so good. I’ve imported several manuscripts into it and I’ve been cruising right along.

2. I’m awaiting edits on the first book in a new series call LG Custom. It is a series with standalone novels. About some dudes who do custom body work and the women they end up meeting and falling in love with.

3. I am finishing up a novella in my OtherKind universe. Cat shifters, MFMM menage and romance all thrown in together. Giving a little depth and context to the world I am building. This series is gonna start out all paranormally, but by the end, it should have crossed over into Urban Fantasy.

4. I am about 1/3 done with Book 2 in the Name of the Game series. A soccer player, a secret baby from a one night stand between two people who don’t really like each other. It’s been fun so far.

5. I am outlining the first Book of the Steel & Stilettos. Zoe, Deke and Nathan are going to be getting into some trouble as they try to navigate their relationship. They get thrown some curveballs by bad guys who have nothing to do with skips and guard duties. The genre will be Romantic Suspense with some whodunits and whyfors and whatnots. All that stress can put pressure on any new relationship. But when there’s a triad minefield as well, it’s just complicated.


So that’s the bi-yearly wrap up for me. If I can get these things done before the end of the year, I’ll call it good. Cause next year is looking like it’s going to be even mo’ busy.

Winners Announced- Open Road

I got so excited about this Blog Hop, I picked two winners for an ebook of Open Road.

By random drawing, the winners are:  strawberryrosered and Julianne

I’ve sent you both an email. Check your inboxes.

Thanks to everyone else who participated!!!

Six Pack Stud-A-Thon Blog Hop and Giveaway

Six pack Stud-a-thon

Welcome to my Blog. And Thank You for participating in this blog hop. I hope you have a lot of fun and win some GREAT prizes!

I’ve always been an admirer of the male form. But it wasn’t until I started writing romances that I truly appreciated it in all its glory. I follow some great photographers on Facebook, both on my author page and on my personal page.Some do both fitness and fashion, while others focus on one or the other. What they have in common is the absolute clarity they bring to the human form. The male form, umm, cause I like dudes, yo.

I knew the human body was sensual and seductive. A veritable delight for the senses. But to see that shown with such skill is amazing. But skill alone doesn’t create all this goodness. Oh no. The owners of the bodies themselves are to given a LOT of credit. Because without these beautiful bodies as the foundation, incredible photographs that allow me to perv wouldn’t exist, couldn’t exist. And yes, women perv. Seriously. Don’t let anyone tell you differently. If they do, they’re lying. Totally lying. As a red-blooded heterosexual woman, I can attest that I like nothing better than a fit male body.

I was going to talk about a specific model or male body I though was fab-u-lous. But as I started trying to pick out just one, I couldn’t do it. I pick and choose the models I think are perfect for the story I’m currently working on. As a result, my choice in perv material changes– from day to day, minute to minute, story by story. Plus, if I chose just one, I felt bad about leaving out others. So instead, I picked up some pics without faces. Not because I think that all a man is good for is his… ummm… body… part… ummm… like his… *whistles as I think*… six-pack. Yeah, that’s the body part I’m thinking about. 😀 But really it’s that line on either side of the abs. You know–the V line– that leads to all things good in this world. Yum-frickin’-O. And let’s not forget the double veins that traverse that same direction right below the belly button. OMFG, I have this thing for veins. I must… MUST… lick them. Want to nibble compulsively. I think I have a vein issue or fetish or something because it drives me wild. Mad, even.

So in honor of all the male fitness and fashion models, who worked so hard to have such nice abs to look at, I’m giving away an ebook copy of OPEN ROAD. It first came out in the Hot Bods, Hot Rods anthology through Jupiter Gardens Press this past July. Come September 26, 2013, however, it will offered as a standalone novelette. It is a short story about three individuals who weren’t expecting each other. And it is the introduction to their lives together. Zoe starts out as a motocross racer and becomes a stunt woman. Deke and Nathan are bounty hunters. This story is about how they meet, with more stories to come. Because, one stunt woman and two hot bounty hunters in a menage as they hunt down criminals is too good to stop when they met. They story has to continue. And it will.

So… in addition to the grand prize you  are eligible for by clicking on the Rafflecopter link below, if you leave me a comment about your favorite male body part or anything else, you can get a ebook copy of OPEN ROAD and read as  Zoe, Deke and Nathan meet. I’ll announce a winner after the blog hop ends. Make sure to leave me you email addy and what format you want.

Also, don’t forget to check out the other blogs listed below for a chance to win other great prizes. Seriously, it should be fun for everyone. I mean, prizes and hot, hard men and their six pack abs at multiple sites? Come on now… it just doesn’t get any better than that!

Grand Prize

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Writing Evolution

I think that no matter what you do, if you do it a lot and consistently, you get better at it. I read some of my earlier stuff and some of it makes me cringe. Seriously. Cringe. Worthy. I can’t really even reread my stuff because I’m all like holy shit… what was I thinking? Obviously not a lot ’cause I put these words to a page. It’s not that it’s total crap. My early stories just aren’t as good as what I am writing today. I mean an editor/publisher decided they wanted some of those stories. So it’s not just my opinion that they’re not total shit, but worthy of being put out there. But…but… but… I can do so much better now.

I don’t think trying to measure my work then to my work now is really fair to myself. But what-the-hell-ever. It’s not about fairness. It’s about evaluating my evolution as a writer.

Am I glad I write better now? You bet. Otherwise, I’d be a stagnate tadpole all swimming in the same pond, using the same tricks, and writing at the same level.

And as much as I hate editing, I have to say having outside of just plain writing more–all the time, every day– editors have done me a world of frickin’ good. Evaluating my writing myself and having my writing be evaluated by others is a necessary part of growing as a fiction author. As a writer period. It has been too long since I’ve had another person redline my work, call me on my bullshit, and generally tell me when I am being a douche with the written word. It’s painful- sure. But NECESSARY. So.

You know, I haven’t been writing for very long. Well, fiction writing as a job, anyway. And it’s been steep learning curve from writing dry technical pieces to engaging fiction works. It’s not a switch I can flip quick. I don’t think it’s a switch anyone can toggle rapidly. It’s been a slow process. But I’m getting there.

A big part of my evolution in becoming, hopefully, a better writer has been attending conferences and workshops and stuff (and that’s in addition to having someone edit my pieces with a dark red pen). I can’t tell you how learning from those who have been there and done that has helped. Immeasurably. Seriously. So to all those who have taken the time to teach, to give… Thank You! I hope one day I’m in a position to return that favor. Until then though, I will keep plugging away at getting better. Making more compelling stories.

It is my fervent wish that those of you who read what I’ve written today, keep reading what I write later. Cause I am only getting better. With time. With age. With experience. It’s only been a year–almost a year exactly–since I started writing fiction for realz, yo. I can’t wait to see where I’m at when another year goes by. I hope you can’t either.

FarSeen Snippet 2

This is the second of four snippets that I will post. Hope you enjoy. 😉

**Preorder: 6th September 2013 (the book becomes available to preorder through the TEB website)
**Prerelease: 20th September 2013 (the book becomes available to buy through the TEB website)
**General Release: 18th October 2013 (the book becomes available through all outlets)


Here’s the blurb:

Taking a break from finding the cure for a magic sickness killing witches, Evangeline (Evie) Parker picks up Drew for a night of hot sex. One night is not enough, however. In strange twist of fate, Trent, Drew’s partner also comes into Evie’s life. One night is definitely not enough when two becomes three. As they come together, they realize while separately they are good, together they are great.

All Hallows Eve is the time when the cure to the magic sickness is predicted to make itself known. Combining magic and sex on that special night cures more than the magic sickness afflicting the witch community, it also cures three lonely hearts.

FARSEEN is hot and sweet in a small tasty bite. It is filled with sex magic, lit up chakras and hearts slowly opening up to each other.



When she woke up, it was to him staring at her. He smiled at her when she opened her eyes. “Morning, Evie.”

“Morning, Drew,” she yawned at him. “Need coffee.”

She was so not a morning person. And she needed caffeine like a heroin addict needed their fix in the mornings.

Drew reached over and picked up the phone on the nightstand. She heard him tell the person on the other end that they needed coffee and two American breakfasts ASAP. Then she felt him push some magic through the line. No doubt their room service would be showing up pretty quickly, from the push she felt.

“You are my god,” she told him when he hung up. “I need caffeine and food, in that order.”

Not real sure about the whole morning-after protocol, she was relieved to sense that he wasn’t going to just shove her out of the door. Not that she had any illusions that they had a relationship or something after last night, but she still didn’t want to feel all weird and what not. Plus, maybe she could get a little morning action before she took off to her stillroom.

He was drifting his fingers lazily over her skin as she burrowed closer to his body heat. They had just started fooling around with more serious intent when she heard the knock on the door. Damn that push he’d sent. Just a little longer and she would have had some morning joy.


FarSeen Banner

FarSeen Available to PreOrder from Total-E-Bound

I don’t hawk my wares too often. I think door-to-door salesman are only just slightly less annoying than those that are in a sell, sell, sell mode constantly. So I mostly just give a brief public service announcement and attempt to sparingly share my release day joy. In furtherance of sharing said joy, my witchy, magical menage is available for preorder at TEB. The preorder price is 15% off the cover. Three other authors have a release in the same Wanton Witches series begin offered by TEB just in time for Halloween. It’s scarily good. 😉 Just click on the cover and it will take you to the site.




Three lonely souls find each other and the cure to a disease ravaging the witching community on All Hallows Eve.

Taking a break from finding the cure for a magic sickness killing witches, Evangeline—Evie—Parker picks up Drew for a night of hot sex. One night is not enough, however. In a strange twist of fate, Trent, Drew’s partner, also comes into Evie’s life. One night is definitely not enough when two become three. As they come together, they realise that while separately they are good, together they are great.

All Hallows Eve is the time when the cure to the magic sickness is predicted to make itself known. Combining magic and sex on that special night cures more than the magic sickness afflicting the witch community, it also cures three lonely hearts.


FarSeen Banner

Home Run Snippet 3

Home Run was released last month from Rebel Ink. Working on the next book about a soccer player, a secret/not so secret baby and all because of a one night stand. But until then, hopefully, this little bit from Home Run will tide y’all over.



Daniela Sinclair is a trust fund baby who believes she can make a difference in the world by making the wishes of sick children come true. Noah Barker is a major league baseball player from a common background who agrees to fulfill a sick child’s wish. Together they burn up the sheets. Unfortunately, they also cause a family member to burn in anger. In a stunning case of betrayal, the home run ending they both envisioned is threatened and they teeter on the brink of striking out.



She gave herself a once over in the mirror knowing Noah was impatiently waiting downstairs. She was running late.

After a last glance in the mirror finding nothing amiss, she grabbed her evening clutch and went to join Noah.

She saw him before he saw her and he took her breath away. He was cute in his baseball uniform. He looked smoking hot in a pair of jeans. She’d seen him in a suit and that particular look always turned her on. But in his tux he looked fabulous. She could only stand and stare at him.

He turned and his eyes widened. “You’re lucky Reggie’s a friend of mine or I’d lock you in the bedroom and never let you out.”

“Umm, I’m not thinking that makes me lucky, Noah.”

“Yeah, I hear you,” he shot back. “I’ve always thought you were beautiful. But that dress? Shit, babe, beautiful doesn’t do you justice.”

“You are so getting laid tonight,” she laughed at him.

“Already knew that,” he said smugly.

She laughed as she went to him.

Series vs. Standalone Books

I’m not sure how other writers write. But it seems as more time passes and more stories flit through my brain, one thing has become clear. I am unable to write standalone novels. I got nothing against standalone books. Nothing at all. But my mind seems to work in series. Either with the same character through multiple book/storylines or with the same interwoven characters but focusing on distinct characters within a storyline.


I’ve tried to write differently. There are lots of stories that I think will be a standalone, but by the end, I am spinning off other tangential stories. Apparently, this is just the way my brain works. Some series are just two books that pop in my brain. Other stories have an entire universe and a story arch that spans several novels. A few of those expanded storylines even have side novellas attached.


Take my newest soon to be released book FarSeen. Originally, I slated two novellas to the story. But soon, I realized that those two stories are the prequel to two distinct story arcs. One arc has a 3-4 novellas and about 4 novels in it. The second story arch takes a different turn with 3 novels and no novellas. But they are from the same universe and traverse the story arc at different points in the time line. And while I am pleased as all get out the I don’t see dead people, I gotta say having so many imaginary friends talking to me from a made-up universe can be a little crazy making. Or at least make people who see me talking to myself seem like I am cra-cra. I want to explain, sometimes, that I am talking to my characters or that they are talking to me. But then I realize that maybe, just maybe, admitting that would make me even crazier in their eyes. Regardless, I think all writers walk around talking to imaginary people who only exist in their mind until they are revealed in ink. Imaginary friends are the glue that unites authors. Who knew?


Several of my other stories also are laid out in series format. Like a motion picture running in my head, I can literally SEE them. Just once, I want to write a story that doesn’t have one before it or after it. But alas, that doesn’t seem to be in the cards for me at the moment. My only wish is that my universes are portrayed clearly, compellingly and with enough depth that my readers also end up talking to my characters. Now THAT would be a hoot. And a half.

Snippet Saturday- FarSeen 1

This will be the first of four or so FarSeen snippets that I will post until the official unofficial release date(s).

**Preorder: 6th September 2013 (the book becomes available to preorder through the TEB website)
**Prerelease: 20th September 2013 (the book becomes available to buy through the TEB website)
**General Release: 18th October 2013 (the book becomes available through all outlets)


Here’s the blurb:


Taking a break from finding the cure for a magic sickness killing witches, Evangeline (Evie) Parker picks up Drew for a night of hot sex. One night is not enough, however. In strange twist of fate, Trent, Drew’s partner also comes into Evie’s life. One night is definitely not enough when two becomes three. As they come together, they realize while separately they are good, together they are great.

All Hallows Eve is the time when the cure to the magic sickness is predicted to make itself known. Combining magic and sex on that special night cures more than the magic sickness afflicting the witch community, it also cures three lonely hearts.

FARSEEN is hot and sweet in a small tasty bite. It is filled with sex magic, lit up chakras and hearts slowly opening up to each other.


In the beginning


Chapter One




Tonight was the night. She was going to get laid—have a bona fide one-night stand. Christ, it had been so long since another person had given her an orgasm. She needed one. She just needed, period.

Hot, slightly slutty dress. Check.

Killer fuck-me pumps. Check.

Blood-red lipstick. Check.

Several condoms. Check and double check.

With a last glance at her reflection in the mirror, she walked out of the door on a mission. A mission to have hot, sweaty, anonymous sex. It was on.

She glanced around the ballroom, taking in the sights and smells of people who were drinking too much, talking too loud and just trying too hard. Maybe a business cocktail function wasn’t the best place to pick up a random guy. She smirked at herself. Oh well, if she did some networking then the night wouldn’t be a total bust. So her perusal of the room went from looking for Mr Goodbar to whether she knew someone to start off the evening’s round of introductions and small talk ad nauseam.

She would need a drink for this. Disappointment always needed a cocktail
or two. Smiling, she walked to the cash bar and ordered another vodka tonic.

As she turned from the bar, her elbow struck a solid mass to her right.

“Oops. Sorry,” she murmured as her glance went from her drink to the face of the man she had just elbowed in the side.

Holy shit. He was gorgeous. Tall, blond and beautiful. Not pretty-boy beautiful, but the kind of beautiful that made a man stand out in a crowd. He had laugh lines around his mouth, kind eyes and hair that looked as if he’d run his fingers through it a time or two already. So it was the kind of beautiful that wasn’t polished, but was authentic. In a sea of plastic smiles and fake personalities, he stood out.