Merry Christmas

I hate Christmas. I didn’t used to. I used to love it. But it’s become something crazy, something not right and something that is a little scary. It’s like the whole country is waiting with bated breath to see if the rest of us are willing to go into debt to ensure loved ones gets shit they don’t need or want or even asked for. Stupid.

Back in the day, my little nuclear family would travel to visit my extended family. And that’s what Christmas was about– getting together with family and friends and visiting with loved ones. Now, not so much. And it sucks.

It sucks so bad, I hate Christmas now. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday currently because it’s still about family and friends and getting together.

If Christmas didn’t suck so much, here’s what I’d wish for. I wish that each and every one of you reading this is healthy and safe. I wish that the world is kind to you. That you are loved as fiercely as you love. I hope that you have family and friends to share the good, the bad and the ugly. I wish each and every one of you peace and happiness.

Eat a piece of pie or cake for me. That’s the best gift I could be given. Sharing food and good times. Being thought of and thought of well. Of loving and being loved.

I wish you JOY!

Homecoming Release Day Snippet

holidayspice_smallMy Christmas story, HOMECOMING, is live on Amazon in the Holiday Spice anthology.

It is currently priced at $.99 through the rest of November. Then the price will go to $2.99. Smart money says buy now. Click on the picture of the cover to the right and it will take you to Amazon. If you’re feeling lucky, I’m doing a small, short blog hop at the end of the month in celebration of this release. A comment will give you a chance to win the book.

Anyway, the Titles page has the full Table of Contents and author list. Just scroll down, you can’t miss it. I put a blurb below, the link to another snippet here, and  a  new snippet below.

Check out the other authors in the book. I bet they have cool stuff about the anthology on their websites as well. Who knows what it could be. 😉

Anyway… enjoy!


Tessa’s known Nathan for most of her life. She should. He’s her younger brother’s best friend. Which means she’s also his elder by two years as well. They’re both home for the Christmas holidays. And for the first time, they’re together.

Tessa knows her brother isn’t going to react well. She doesn’t know how everyone else is going to react. What she does know is that she wants Nathan more than she’s ever wanted anything or anyone. This homecoming for the holidays could be the worst in the history of holidays, or it could be the best and the start of more yet to come.



“That’s not true,” she took a deep breath and decided to come clean. She was not a teenager any longer and falling back to her old behavior patterns was childish and not who she was now. “Nathan and I have been seeing each other.”

Her mother gave her a startled look. It turned thoughtful pretty damn quick though. Her mom’s emotions changed like the wind. Capricious came to mind.

“I always knew Nathan had a thing for you,” her mother said finally.

“What?” she wasn’t sure she’d heard what she’d heard.

“He would stare at you like you were a tall drink of water and he was parched, just out from the desert, back when you were still kids,” her mother explained.

“Really?” Tessa clearly didn’t remember that. What she remembered was Nathan and her brother teasing her about her boyfriends and generally being a nuisance. Not Nathan, mostly her brother. Her mind had just lumped them all together.

“You ignored both Nathan and Rick mostly, but I watched Nathan watching you,” her mother confirmed.