Beef Shortribs with Parmesan Polenta

One thing I like to do is to get something going and then to leave it alone. I have a lot of other things to do beside stand over a stove for hours on end. Really, to stand over anything. It’s probably why I like using the crock pot. But the crock pot is handy only with certain foods, certain recipes cause it doesn’t do what a cast iron dutch oven will do. For the beef short ribs in the recipe below, I use a cast iron dutch oven. Cast iron cookware ROCKS. If you don’t have some, if you don’t have well-seasoned, well-used cast iron, it is about time you got with the program. Properly seasoned cast iron is virtually non-stick and indestructible.

Good cast iron cookware is passed down from generation to generation. It is an heirloom. One of the things many lamented they lost in the aftermath of Katrina was their cast iron cookware that had boiled gumbos for hundreds of years. It is believed that a small part of the food cooked each time leaves a little something behind adding to the food magic that occurs when cooking with cast iron. Given what I know of physics, I think it is true. I can see an atom or two being substituted out with another atom or two displacing the originals. Whatever it is, cast iron that old and well-used makes food magic. Plus it adds iron to your diet. See, multi-tasking at its best.

Beef Shortribs with Creamy Polenta

4-8 Beef short ribs
1cup onion, chopped roughly
1cup carrots sliced
1/2 cup celery, diced
2-3 cloves garlic
2cups red wine
2cups broth, beef or chicken
1-2 bay leaves


1. Preheat oven to 300 degrees.
2. Season short ribs with salt and pepper. Sear on all sides over medium-high heat.
3. Add half the onions, half the carrots, half the celery and all the garlic to the pot. Cook until most of the liquid, if any, has cooked off.
4. Add thyme and bay leaves. Add the broth and wine. Make sure that all the ribs are covered in liquid.
5. Bake in oven, covered, for at least 2 1/2 hours.
6. In the last 45 minutes, add remaining onions, carrots and celery.
7. Take out of oven, remove the ribs from juices. On medium heat, reduce the liquid in the pot by 1/2. Add more salt and pepper to taste. Serve over creamy polenta.
8. Make polenta according to directions on package while liquid is boiling down. Right before removing from heat, add in 1/2-1 cup parmesan.

Music Monday 4/15/13

Today is Music Monday. It also happens to be Tax Day. Geez, if there ever needs to be a day for music, it has tax day, yeah? Not just to help start off the week on a good note, but to help with the pain that today represents for most people. Seriously, if you don’t get your taxes done today, at least send in an extension.

I came to the whole Radiohead phenomena late. My first album of theirs that I listened to was Kid A. I loved it. It was something that was different and new. Everyone had been talking about them for a while. Radiohead was still getting used to their success. They went from virtually unknown to known in like a day. It was crazy. So for your listening pleasure, I found a youtube of Kid A.

Now the other artist that I am throwing up here couldn’t be more different from Radiohead. I have been digging on Rihanna. The first is her and Eminem, Love the Way you Lie. The video has a real young Megan Fox. The second is her new song Stay feat. Mikko Ekko. All this music is kinda sad in its own way. They have stories within them. Not all of them good. But even with taxes due today, there are some things that are even worse. Yeah?


Smutty Sunday 4/14/13

It is Sunday again and here are a round up of books I like.

Science fiction/Fantasy winner this week is Piers Anthony’s Geodyssey series. These rock. If you’ve ever read Michener’s books and like how they are, you will like how these stories are told. Anthony starts in the way past and goes into the future. The timelines are awesome. Like a picture through time. He usually focuses on one subject and works it throughout the time period. These books delve in the why shit is the way it is and how we are screwing it up. They normally end at an apocalypse or right after. This series is not really like his other series. But they are great if you care about our world, want to think about why it is the way it is and have serious reservations about the eventual outcome of being the way we are.

Smut reading should be mandatory. I think it makes you smile. Or maybe I am the one that smiles. So this week, I have been rereading Jo Goodman. Her historicals are some of the best that I have ever read. They are spot on in historical details. And the stories are subtle and sublime. Careful word choices. Awesome characters. Vivid stories. What else could you want? I have favorites to be sure. But even still, my non favorites are still a recommend. Because they are just that good. My favorites are The Price of Desire and To Marry a Lawman.

I have been reading menage cause I have been writing menage. And Sophie Oak writes some of the best menage stories ever. There is a whole series of them in both her Bliss series and her Siren series. Just awesome really. Not many people portray menage realistically. Her books come darn close. The storylines are believable. And her characters are great. She doesn’t recycle heroines and heroes over and over again in her books. The people you met are fresh and different from the books before. It just works out that way cause she is a good writer.

For some nonfiction reading, might I recommend Bill Bryson’s A Walk in the Woods? It is funny and wonderful storytelling even as it is nonfiction. And it is about the Appalachian Trail and hiking it. With Spring in the air, not only will the book make you laugh but it potentially could cause you to dig out your hiking shoes and see if you too can have an outdoor adventure that is both educational and hilarious. This book is laugh out loud funny. You will be giggling so much that people will stare at you if you read it in public. You have been warned.

Hackers Suck

Hackers suck. They really really do.

And not because they made getting into my site a PIA. And not because they disrupted service for other blogs and websites. They suck cause they are a waste of brain space. They breath but really I don’t want to share my air with them. Cause they are about as useless as tits on a boar. In other words, they are pretty damn useless.

You see, these hackers have these mad skills. MAD. Do they come up with new cool video games? No. Do they find the next best kick ass search engine that not only rivals Google or Bing but goes beyond them in some way? No. Do they figure out how we can get the Mars rover to send us info without radio transmitters being situated every 100 miles more clearly and regularly? No. Do they come up with the program that is going to let us look in the human body and find cancer cells? No. Do they invent something that adds to quality of life, entertainment, speeds up the information access or anything that resembles something cool? No.

Nope. They come up with a program that tries to get log in info so they can go in and shit on other people’s websites and blogs. LAME.

Why is this lame? Well, cause they aren’t even breaking into cool peoples websites. Do they pick the pedophile’s blogs? No. Are they hackin’ into a cocaine cartel’s accounts? No. Are they trying to get access to foreign government’s webpages? No. (and just an FYI- I am not advocating that hackers break into our government pages- so if you’re the FBI move along. lol) Do they target those assholes who have on-going pyramid schemes that steal grandma’s retirement money? No.

Nope. They are trying to hack into sites like mine. LAME. Not because it affects me. But because I am not all that. My blog isn’t that great. I am not famous. I don’t do anything special other than write about my writing, write about what’s moving through my brain and write about random shit.

So they are LAME. Because of who they are targeting. Losers. Seriously. And they suck because in their lameness, they are bothering me. And a lot of others like me.

But I did learn a new word or word string really. Brute Force Attack. Sounds like a ninja move. Too bad it’s actually a LAME move by people who SUCK.

Penalize Rapists, Not Females

I found out about a rape yesterday through Twitter. Audrie Pott was raped at a party while she was passed out, pictures were taken and it went viral. She committed suicide at 15. Tragic.

Its tragic because there were three boys who raped her when she wasn’t able to even defend herself. Three boys whose mothers have to look at their faces and know they birth rapists. That they raised rapists. That if they had been a 15 year old girl, their sons would have raped them. That is a not very good thought for a mom, for a woman. In fact, it is down right horrifying. I hope those boys get tried as adults and that they are raped every day and every night of their incarceration. Even if they are not, I hope they experience exactly what they dished out. Is that mean? Yeah. I don’t care. About this I WANT to be mean.

I want their pictures put on the internet for all time so anyone who sees them, looks them up, googles them, it shows that they are rapists. I want them to wear a proverbial scarlet A around their necks. Innocent people need to be warned that those boys are predators. Parents of daughters need to know. Women in general need to know. And I want their pictures as rapists to go viral. In these cases, I am all about an eye for an eye. I could so get behind castration of them. Cause that would be an end to their career as rapists.

I also found out on Twitter that schools are giving classes to girls telling them not to wear tight clothing, don’t walk alone, take a buddy to parties, etc. But no classes were held telling boys that raping girls is wrong, that no means no and that they shouldn’t victimize girls. I have two pissed off thoughts about this.

One, it penalizes girls for the boys behavior. It is like this. Think about a small village who has an unknown rapist running around. The town tells women because of the rapists they aren’t allowed out at night. The men can come and go as they please because they aren’t the targets of the rapist. Most of you would think it this is a sensible precaution. It is NOT. Men should have been confined to their homes after dark. The unknown rapist is male. No female raped another. Yet it was the women who were restricted as a class. Not the class that contained the criminal, but the class that held the victim. If they had restricted the men as a class, any man found out after dark could have been the rapist, which would help narrow down the who done it. And the class that held victims wouldn’t have been doubly penalized. The class that held the criminal would have been the ones to bear the brunt of the restrictions.

The same applies to young people. If schools are going to tell girls not to engage in behavior that might entice potential rapists without also talking to the boys about what is not acceptable behavior, we are in essence penalizing the class that holds the victims and not the class that holds the criminals. It is wrong. It is the wrong message to send to our young people. It is wrong to focus our attention on the victims. We should have a spotlight on the rapists and wannabe rapists. And it should be hammered home again and again.

Two, telling girls that what they wear undermines the control that boys have is STUPID. Even if a woman is naked, and she says no, having sex with her is rape. I don’t buy this argument when presented by the Muslin community, I don’t buy this argument when rapist present them. It is stupid to think that something a woman or girl does, like showing her hair or face or legs or belly, somehow makes men into slavering beasts who are unable to exercise control over themselves. Women and girls just don’t have that kind of power over men and boys. And we never will.  The only one that can control a person is that person themselves. Period. What a woman or girl does, doesn’t all of a sudden ameliorate a man or boy’s responsibility to be in control of themselves. Control of oneself starts and ends at oneself and doesn’t depend on another. EVER.

Excusing bad behavior on the part of the man, in the case of adult rape of muslim women who show their face or hair, and boys, in the case of teenage rape of teenage girls, is our society failing our daughters, our sisters, our future mothers, grandparents, our aunts, our wives. Failing them utterly. I couldn’t help myself isn’t a defense in drunk driving. It isn’t a defense in murder. It isn’t a defense in drug dealing. It just isn’t a defense. Period. This argument as presented by the muslim community doesn’t hold water because a vast majority of societies that don’t make it a secular or religious crime for women to show their faces and hair don’t have men going around raping them willy-nilly because they showed their faces and hair. The argument doesn’t hold water when it comes to what women wear either. Cause the vast majority of men and boys when presented with those very scantily clad women and girls don’t go around and rape them.

Allowing these types of arguments belittles men and boys. On a level that should be offensive to most other men and boys. You know the ones that do exercise control over themselves. Day in and day out. These types of causal excuses don’t allow men and boys to be responsible for themselves. It reduces them to mindless idiots who are no more than missing links a few steps down from Lucy. You know Lucy, the missing link. Good men and boys, you know the fathers, brothers, grandfathers, uncles, husbands should raise an outcry that they don’t want to be looked at like they are no more than our primate ancestors. Most aren’t. And they should be wanting to separate the wheat from the chaff. Insisting on it.

At the end of the new report about Audrie Pott, it stated that officials are looking into a completely different incidence of teenage rape followed by teenage suicide. Tragic.

Random Thoughts

Can’t do a focused post today cause well my brain isn’t real focused. Holy schmoly.

I’m having a party tomorrow night. I don’t want a party. But I got one.  It’s sad when all you want to do is work. And having people over isn’t what you want at all. Totally antisocial of me I know but whatever. I am into my writing right now and I need to ride the wave. I will deal cause that’s what I do. But I am coming up with scenarios to get rid of people as they walk up to my door. lol Broken water mains, diseases that need quarantine. You get the idea. Evil little mini movies that are playing in my head.

I know I bitched about how cold it was. But sheesh, can I have a few warm days that aren’t scorching BEFORE we get to the scorching days? You can’t take me from 35 degrees F to 85 degrees F in one day. It is cruel. It is unusual. It is punishment. I literally changed my thermostat in my house from heat to cool in one day. The temperature variant was CRA-CRA.

Stop letting your frickin’ dogs poo in my yard. I will follow you, find as much dog poo as I can and put all that shit into YOUR yard with a sign that tells everyone that YOU let your dogs randomly poo in my yard when you take little Fido or big Cugo on a walk. You should be BANNED from being able to take walks. Seriously. Bring a frickin’ bag. It’s not hard. Yes ,I know it is gross to walk with your dog and a bag of poo. But it is so much grosser to find random dog poo piles in your yard. Really. I promise. Way grosser. Way.

My laptop needs a new battery. Umm, aren’t they supposed to last foreva? When I was sold the laptop, we never discussed replacing my battery. NEVER. I should have been made aware that laptop batteries don’t last forever. Just in passing maybe. Say something like hey, you’re gonna need to replace the battery after a while. I would have been all cool. The crazy thing? I rarely use the battery at all. I am normally plugged in cause I like high performance mode and I like a constant power supply. So the fact that I need a new battery is ridiculous. And that it’s $120 bucks is also ridiculous. I am outraged at the price.

I had a cocktail last night. I wondered about the word cocktail. Now does it mean that get a girl drunk and the cock (that would be a guy) will get tail (that would be a girl)? Or does it mean that get a dude drunk and he will strut around as if he’s a cock with a tail? Cause the word has no bearing on the drink being drunk. There was no cock in my drink. There was no tail in my drink. It doesn’t vaguely or outright resemble either a cock or a tail. I guess I could google the word and see its history but it is so much more fun to make fun of the word. And I gotta say, it was WAY more fun to have drank a drink but not be drunk and ponder weird words. lol

That is all.

Grass is Greener

I have grass is always greener syndrome. It is a serious affliction. There might be a cure. But I might or might not want it depending on whether I like where I’m at. See, serious frickin’ problem going on here.

I like my yoga classes. I like how I feel after I get done with yoga. I feel centered and more able to deal with the day to day bullshit that swings my way on a daily basis. Recently I got a new yoga teacher for my Monday/Wednesday class. His teaching style is really different from my old teacher. And I want my old teacher back. My new teacher is way too into the yoga philosophy and is very zen-like in his teaching style. Now, I know what I want. But I also know what the universe gave me. I am betting on some level that I have the yoga teacher I have right now because he is what I need. But my mind is doing its crazy dance of telling me I don’t. It is a form of resistance. And really when it comes to the power of the universe shoving something down my throat, resistance is futile. I should gracefully give in. But I will probably bitch and bitch until the light bulb goes off and I figure out why I have the yoga teacher I have at this moment. And then I’ll be all grateful. Until then, I will whine about wanting my old yoga teacher back.

I want to exercise outside. I do yoga inside. My brain is trying to tell me to skip my yoga class in favor of doing my own thing outside. now this could be in response to my resistance to my new teacher. Or it could be that I am just trying to get out of yoga. Or it could be that I really want to get outside. The thing is that if I do skip yoga, there is no guarantee that I will actually get outside. Plus, I could just go at anytime. Before or after I do yoga. So why does my mind tell me to skip yoga? I think it is because gremlins live in my brain and they live to mess with me. Plus, I have spring fever. That combo is bad, bad, bad.

We moved from Alaska to where we are now. I wanted to move. Now, I want to move back. Life back in Alaska was comfortable. I knew all the best places to eat, shop, get a drink, etc. Plus, I was able to work at will in my profession. Not writing, my legal one. Here not so much. I don’t know the legal community and it is harder to pick up the odd job. And lawyerly communities are very high school girl cliche-ish. I know the minute we moved back, I would want to leave again. So when I was being a lawyer, I wanted to be a writer. Now that I am writing full-time, I want to be a lawyer. Go figure.

See, the grass is always greener. Always. Until you step over onto the field that looked so lush and find it is just like the one you came from or maybe even a little worse. Cause there are potholes in this field that you weren’t aware of or wasn’t readily visible when you were gazing at it longingly. Trying to talk my brain into being content exactly where I am is a huge monumental task. I have to work it every minute of every day. Don’t want the highs and lows like a pendulum swinging back and forth.  Just want the even keel of being content without too much variation in the emotional spikes in either direction. Maybe I need to go on a vacay. A little holiday. Or maybe I just need to find all of that right here at home.

Macadamia Nut Crusted Halibut with Mango-Papaya Salsa

One day it was cold. The next day it was warm. Today is gonna be hot. Hot I tell you.

Spring makes me want to get out my shorts and just be outside. Seriously I get itchy feet to not spend anytime indoors. I think it is stir crazy madness from being indoors all winter. If I didn’t have yoga during the winter, I’m sure I would commit mass homicide. Ya know?

The other thing spring does is make me think about food. Okay, maybe I think about food all the time. I like to cook. I like to eat. I like those two things together even more. Even when I travel, the first thing I do is look up different restaurants, holes in the wall and generally check out the food sitch. Museums, places of interest and what the region is known for are secondary. I gotta say I was in HEAVEN when I went to Italy. Umm, cause, ummm, there was just so much damn delicious food at really beautiful places next to museums and places of interest. And the wine, sheesh. Nirvana. Seriously.

But I digress. Spring. Food. Got it. So spring makes me think of things like pesto sauce and pasta primavera. It makes me want to trade in my beef and lamb for scallops and fish. Lighter food for warmer weather. Makes perfect sense to me. Not just salads and the like. But delicate sauces, seafood, chilled white wine. Lets not forget the fruit. Spring makes me crave fruit. Juicy berries. Pineapples and tropical good things.

Having lived in Alaska, I got a lot of great seafood. And for those of you that don’t know, Alaska has GREAT restaurants with really innovative chefs. They do amazing things with seafood. What is even more interesting is the close connection that Alaskans have with Hawaiians. Guess it’s cause we are all so remote from the rest of the country. Both states are separated by miles of stuff before we can get to the next state. So we stick together in lots of ways.

One of the best ways is the fusion of food. The recipe I am posting below is from a restaurant in the Kenai Peninsula, home of the best fly fishing in the world. A place where you can catch record breaking salmon. It is considered the playground of South Central Alaska. And it is. The restaurant is Mykel’s. If you get a chance to go, do. You won’t be disappointed. In either Mykel’s or the Kenai. Seriously.

This recipe combines fish with fruit. Alaska with Hawaii. It says spring. It taste delicious. Fabulosity all rolled together. They make it with a Mango-Papaya Salsa. I prefer a spicy Strawberry one. Both are good. Enjoy.


By: Taz

Macadamia Nut Crusted Halibut with Mango-Papaya Salsa

4 6- to 7-oz. Halibut Filets
1 cup Macadamia Nuts—crushed
3/4 cup Panko (Japanese bread crumbs)
2 Eggs
1 Tbsp. Water (mixed with eggs)
Flour for dredging
Peanut Oil for sautéing
Seasoning Salt

Place macadamia nuts and panko in food processor bowl fitted with a work blade. Using pulse, crush nuts and panko together until you achieve a medium coarseness. Do not over grind nuts or you will extract oil. Beat eggs with water until smooth. Heat a large saute pan or skillet on medium-low to medium heat. Lightly season halibut, dredge in flour, shake off excess then dip in egg mixture, then place in macadamia nut mixture and coat well. Press nuts on and lightly shake off excess. Add oil to pan and place halibut in pan. Let brown 3 to 4 minutes then turn over. Continue cooking halibut until golden brown on both sides—approximately 6 to 8 minutes total time. If using thick filets (one inch or more), finish cooking in a 350 degree F oven for 7 to 10 minutes. Serves 4.

Mango & Papaya Salsa—Hawaiian Style

1 Papaya—peeled, seeded and cut into small H-inch pieces
1 Mango—peeled, seeded and cut into small H-inch pieces
3 Tblsp. Sweet Chili Sauce
1 can Papaya Nectar (11.5 oz. can)
1 tsp. Mint Flakes—crushed
2 tsp. Chopped Pickled Ginger
1/4 tsp. Salt
Place cut fruit into a mixing bowl, add all other ingredients and mix well. Let set two hours. Can be made up to five days in advance. Serve at room temperature or just warm (do not let boil–fruit will fall apart).

Strawberry Jalapeño Salsa

15-20 strawberries, chopped into small even dice
1/3 medium red onion, finely minced
1 cucumber, peeled and diced
handful of cilantro, well rinsed and finely chopped
1 Jalapeño, finely minced, seeds and all.  (leave the seeds out for less heat)
juice of 1 lime
fresh cracked black pepper

Mix everything in a bowl.  Chill until ready to serve.
~about one hour before serving


Music Mondays

Starting out the week can be hard. After the laid back weekend, being a work week is for most people, me included, a craptastic thing to do. But I think that music can make anything better. So in my quest to find a way to make Mondays better, I decided to start the work week with a song or two.

Yesterday I went shopping for some trees for my yard. I no longer live in a housing development that is regulated by a homeowners association, which is GREAT. But I do live in a city that has pretty strict regulations about how many trees have to be in my yard. I will take the tree regulation over the crazy homeowners association Nazis any day of the week. I got two apple trees cause I love apples. they are dwarf trees so they will not grow as big a regular apple trees. And I had to buy two because they aren’t self-pollinating. The bees in my areas haven’t been decimated by whatever is going on with bees in other parts of the country so I am GRATEFUL for that. The bees will pollinate my trees and I will hopefully have apples. Not expecting them this year but maybe next year I will get a small crop of them.

I also got two cherry blossom trees. Because they are a big deal where I live now. We even have cherry blossom festivals and the like. So I decided to get in the spirit and get a couple for my yard.  Again, I am hoping that next year my trees will bloom as the festival gets underway. Like they belong to the group of other cherry blossom trees.

Not wanting to stop there and because I had 5 trees die last year, I picked up a red leaf maple as well. I wanted my tree leaves to have some variety. Green leaves, yellow leaves and red leaves now adorn my yard. And I don’t mean for fall when all the tree leaves naturally change color. But during spring and summer as a natural part of their foliage costume. I did this because one of the things I really like about fall is the changing color of the leaves. But I wanted it for the whole growing season. And with the different types of trees available that have different color leaves, it totally is.

So how does this all tie into music you ask. Well, as I was browsing different green houses and tree farms yesterday, they had music piping through the area. And some oldies but goodies were playing. It made shopping for trees that much more fun. And what should be playing but some Red Hot Chili Peppers. Awesomeness right? It got my Sunday going GREAT. So I am looking at my new trees this morning and I have some RHCP playing as I look at them. Somehow as I look at my trees and listen to some music, Monday doesn’t seem so bad.

Enjoy Music Mondays.



Smutty Sunday

So I thought I would start a regular feature. A wrap up of the week by giving some suggestions about reading material. Books I like. If you like them too, well there you go.

For my SF/F fans, I’ve been digging on Kate Elliot. I first read her Crown of Stars books a while back. They have stayed with me. She had such a nice pace in her works. I haven’t read her newest Spiritwalker books but I’m going to. Not a lot of sex in her books. Just great world building. Which takes no small amount of talent. She also has great pacing. When I read, there is in invisible metronome that ticks in my brain. Good books have a certain pace. Words are carefully chosen to make that come alive on the page. Like poetry almost.

I’ve been on a motorcycle kick lately. I don’t know which came first, my love of bad ass dudes on motorcycles or Kristen Ashley. Cause her books have a lot of them. I just finished her first Chaos series book and it ROCKED. As usual. Can’t wait for the next one. Her mountain man series had a motorcycle rider in one of them, Sweet Dreams. And then Motorcycle Man had the ultimate bad boy rider. AWESOMESAUCE. Her books are contemporary romances with a lot of drama. And now she has a whole series dedicated to badass boys on their toys! Shew, color me a happy happy girl.

For the people that like a little paranormal romance, I read and reread Nalini Singh’s Archangel books. It just has a whole lot of goodness in them. Lots of magical realism. Magical realism is concept that is being bandied about a lot in writerly circles. It just means that the world building in the book just accepts the supernatural elements regardless of what they are without question or explanation. Kind of like an alternate reality that just is the way it is no matter how much it looks like our reality in the here and now. So in her books, angels and vampires and hunters just are. Always have been, always will be. But her angels and vampires aren’t the sparkly kind- thank christ. They are just smokin’ hot alpha-y and the back stories ROCK.

To break in with a book about spirituality might be a little jarring. But I am going to do it anyway. Hey, a girl can’t live on smut alone. Ya know? So if it isn’t offensive to you, your god, your beliefs or whatever. Check out Ram Dass’s Paths to God. The book rocks. Lots of insights that aren’t particular to one kind of belief system. It is broad enough to touch on lots of different areas. Cause there are a multitude of paths. And really none of us know which is the right one. Besides, what if there is really more than one. It could happen.

Now on to my smut rec for the week. Been thinking a lot about Tymber Dalton’s Reluctant Dom book. Yes there is sex in it. Yes there is bdsm in it. Yes there is menage in it. A trifecta of goodness in my opinion. But there is also a sad story. A journey of discovery. And an evolution of character. Happiness comes to all of us when we can take such a journey with the characters in the book. And while there is kink in there, there is more than kink. Which to my mind is the best kind of kink book. Even a book that is about sex has to have more than just sex. Ya know?

Now that’s a wrap. Have a great week.