




And the devil wears blue jeans. But seriously, is there anything hotter than a guy in no shirt with faded jeans on? Not that I can think of at the moment. lol

Maple Glazed Walnuts

Maple Glazed Nuts

6 cups Walnuts
1/4 cup butter
1/4 cup brandy
1-1/4 cup maple syrup
1tbsp cinnamon
3 tsp salt- course sea salt is best
1/2 cup maple sugar

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Bake walnuts on a cookie sheet for 8-10 minutes.

2. In a small bowl, combine cinnamon, salt and maple sugar. Set aside

3. In a deep skillet, combine butter, brandy and maple syrup. Cook until reduced by half. Add in walnuts and cook until almost all the liquid is absorbed.

4. Turn off heat and take skillet off stove. Add cinnamon mixture until evenly coated. Spread out on cookie and let cool.

YUM. Enjoy!

Merry Christmas

I hate Christmas. I didn’t used to. I used to love it. But it’s become something crazy, something not right and something that is a little scary. It’s like the whole country is waiting with bated breath to see if the rest of us are willing to go into debt to ensure loved ones gets shit they don’t need or want or even asked for. Stupid.

Back in the day, my little nuclear family would travel to visit my extended family. And that’s what Christmas was about– getting together with family and friends and visiting with loved ones. Now, not so much. And it sucks.

It sucks so bad, I hate Christmas now. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday currently because it’s still about family and friends and getting together.

If Christmas didn’t suck so much, here’s what I’d wish for. I wish that each and every one of you reading this is healthy and safe. I wish that the world is kind to you. That you are loved as fiercely as you love. I hope that you have family and friends to share the good, the bad and the ugly. I wish each and every one of you peace and happiness.

Eat a piece of pie or cake for me. That’s the best gift I could be given. Sharing food and good times. Being thought of and thought of well. Of loving and being loved.

I wish you JOY!

Music Monday: Wizards in Winter

Trans-Siberian Orchestra did the video to this synchronizing 75,000 lights to this song. Couldn’t think of a better musical tribute for bringing in the week of Christmas with this special music.



Music Monday: Santa Baby

Not your usual Santa Baby. This one is performed by Run DMC featuring Mase, Diddy, Salt & Peppa, Snoop Dog and many others. A little something different for the holidays. They changed up some of the words. lol I heard this for the first time on one of the Very Special Christmas CDs. Loved it. Wanted to share.



Saturday Snippet: Well Played

From the forthcoming novel, WELL PLAYED, which continues the saga of Zoe, Deke and Nathan as they settle into their lives in LA. Don’t have a cover yet. And the snippet isn’t edited, so the usual caveats apply. Expect mistakes. 🙂

The questions kept coming. She kept trying to answer, but she was a little freaked out about the whole dead dude situation. It didn’t seem to matter to the cops. Obviously, it was the dead body giving the cops the something they needed to do. Part of that was asking her stupid repeating questions until she wanted to poke her own eye out with a fork.

“Look. I don’t know the dead guy well at all. We argued once last week about a scheduling error. I came in early today to do a stunt as a body double on a riding segment. I don’t really remember what I touched or didn’t touch. I was kinda freaked out. I don’t have any more answers. No, they aren’t going to change. And now I am done giving answers. Thank you.”

She was finished. No more cop questions about things she really had no clue about.

Surely they could see she had nothing to do with it.

She’d called it in for Christ sakes.

She really needed to call Deke and Nathan. She was sure this was one of those things they’d want to know. She was pretty sure this was one of those things that must be disclosed when in a relationship. She wasn’t sure, but if she were guessing she’d guess the whole going with telling would be the correct choice. If she kept quiet much longer, she would be explaining that as well.

As she thought about everything that had transpired so far in her day, she’d say it was going pretty shitty. It’s never a good thing when you find a dead body. It would’ve been bad enough just to have to deal with the cops and the paramedics and the rubber-neckers. But knowing she was going to have to try and explain to Deke and Nathan really capped off the craptastic day with just that little bit of extra. Special, really.


Music Monday: Little Drummer Boy

Pentatonix are fabulous. Listen to the video. You’d never know there weren’t any instruments used. It’s ALL them.

Enjoy! And Merry Christmas.


Smutty Sunday

Netgalley Roundup

Picked up a few Cynthia Eden books from NetGalley. So this week’s Smutty Sunday is going to focus on her latest body of work.

1. Fear For Me

After several Eden novellas, I was ready for a longer, meatier book. I got it in Fear for Me.

The suspense in the book is great. I was kept guessing about who dunnit for most of the book. I love that. LOVE. There’s nothing I hate more than knowing who did it WAY before everyone in the book knows, or worse, figuring it out even when I wasn’t supposed to. If that happens, it colors the rest of the book for me.

Now for the love story. I wanted to like Lauren and Anthony. And separately, I did. I wasn’t real happy with the romance. And I don’t know why. There was angst. There was a passionate past. They were smokin’ hot in bed together. So I have no earthly idea why I didn’t dig on these two together. I’ve sat with this book, thinking and thinking about these two and STILL coming up blank about why I wasn’t convinced they needed to be together. Or maybe, it was that I didn’t believe the reasons they’d been apart for so long. SO DAMN LONG. It is becoming harder and harder for me to buy that people stay apart for such flimsy reasons for 5, 10, 15 YEARS. I wouldn’t do it. I don’t know many people who would. So maybe that’s why I have such a problem with this plot device.

Anyway, this is a solid Cynthia Eden read. Although, I love her PNR/UF stuff the best, she really does suspense very well.


2.  A Vampire Christmas Carol


This was a totally cute take on Dicken’s Christmas Carol.

Ben is tortured. And turning into a Scrooge. He lost the love of his life, Simone. And he blames himself. Only things aren’t always as they seem. And sometimes, Christmas is the perfect season for redemption.




Say Yes to Self-Defense

Been thinking a lot lately about the state of the world and women in it. Our common experience as women who live in a world populated with people who are bigger than us, stronger than us, hormonally more aggressive than us coupled with the vagaries of our various political structures, social networks and economic opportunities, and I’d bet you’d be surprised if I told you we as American, and western, women have more in common with our sisters in the middle east than we do without spouses lying in bed next to us. You are probably calling me crazy. Discounting my opinion.

If I told you that it is my considered opinion that women are still oppressed and treated as lesser class, you’d scoff and tell me that we’ve come so far, baby.

Then I’d point out that the likelihood of being raped isn’t so vastly different in different parts of the world. Sure, there are surges in war torn areas and areas filled with chaos. But in those areas who are just poor, just third world without so much external strife, the statistics are damning. And I’d go on to compare health care given (not merely available but actually accessed) is on par as well. There are far more parallels than opposites. Not even going into the similarities of how a society can keep an entire gender pinned down, the injury done to women physically is the same the world over. In just this one thing, being secure in our own bodies, every women on this planet is at risk. Most often, that risk comes from the home or the home neighborhood.

As the title of this post suggests, I want all women to begin to empower themselves. Take a gun class. Do I think a gun will make shit better tomorrow? No. But it will give you a feeling of empowerment. If you’re morally opposed to firearms, take a taser class or a stun-gun class or a pepper spray class. Take a damn class. Go to self-defense classes. Take martial arts. Become stronger in your body so it can help you get stronger in your mind.

None of these classes are intended to make you think you can take on a dude twice your size. The best and first course of action should always be to get away, get help and cause a commotion to get noticed. But maybe the class will give you the confidence to think of how to get away instead of falling apart, or to create an opportunity that can be exploited. It might be the difference between tragedy and triumph.

Every woman should be safe in her body. It is a travesty that this is not so. A many-pronged approach to resolving the problem needs to happen. One of those prongs is making women stronger in their bodies. There are all kinds of strength. By acquiring one, we help bolster them all.


Hot Autumn Nights Blog Hop Winner

We have a winner, or three. 🙂

Drum roll, please… the winners are: Carolyn and BookAttict. But because it’s the Christmas season, I picked a third. Well, did. lol My third winner is jennifer mathis. If you’re a winner and didn’t indicate your email address or book title and format preference, please email me or use the contact me page with the contact form, and let me know which ebook you would like, which format you prefer and an email address to which I may send the aforementioned prize.

To help that decision along, I’m linking to both the Holiday Spice anthology with my story Homecoming, and to the FarSeen. Just click on the pictures below and it will take to the parent pages. If you click through on the FarSeen cover on the OtherKind page, it will take you to the FarSeen main page complete with reviews, blurb and excerpt. Once you’ve read the tidbits available for the two offered prizes, that’s when an email to me should be happening or about to happen.


Click for more


Click for more

As soon as I know which book you want, I will either send a link or the book directly to you. I would really appreciate it if you’d leave a review on Amazon or goodreads or somewhere, but it’s NOT necessary. Mostly, I want you to enjoy my stories. 🙂

Also, if you didn’t win, but feel you must have my book(s), I would totally be happy and willing to exchange a copy for a review. Shoot me a note using the contact methods listed above for the winners if a review in exchange for a copy of the ebook is something that sounds interesting.

Last, but not least, THANK YOU to everyone who participated in the hop, came to my blog and commented. I really appreciate it. We all do.

Hope you all have a wonderful, happy holiday season!