Rose Sugar

Romance and Roses go hand in hand. To make some fabulous rose sugar, it takes almost zero time and only a little advanced planning.

Glass container, sealable to be airtight
White sugar
Rose petals, organic and pesticide free

I didn’t include any measurements because the volume of sugar will vary depending on the size of the container used. Add some sugar, layer in some petals, add more sugar, and repeat until filled.

Keep the sugar closed for at least two weeks. This gives the oils in the roses time to infuse all the sugar.

This sugar can be used in baking delicate treats, like scones. It can also be used to make simple syrup. And simple syrup can be used in a variety of ways, limited only by your imagination.

Migrating Some Stuff Over

In the upcoming months, I am migrating my writings on another blog over to my blog. I want to keep my content as mine.

If you feel like you are experiencing Deja Vu, you are. Or it could be a glitch in the Matrix and you are living in a real life simulation where we are live action role playing so that Aliens can eat our energy. Or our planet’s energy. Or whatever that reason is that is the foundation of these types of stories.

I will try to add in new content as well. Especially with my installment piece.



Check your Ta-Tas

pink ribbons on pink surface

I know it’s the end of the October… almost. I know that it’s been awhile since I posted… but still, check your ta-tas. It’s that time of the year; it’s that time in this month. 2016 will live as a year in infamy for me. I hope that you check your ta-tas and that 2020 isn NOT a year that lives forever in your memory.

I had a scare this month. I normally get my boobs checked in August. Which is the month that I received my cancer diagnosis. But for various reasons–Covid–well that just didn’t happen. Instead, I got it this month, of all months.

And I noticed a small spot of skin change about six months ago. I decided to keep watch, in case it was just radiation damage. But about three weeks before my mammogram of my old boob was scheduled, I felt a hard lump under the spot with the skin change. Well, two things make alarm bells go off in my head. So, I asked them to check it out as well. Thank goodness my gynecologist had included additional ultrasounds and biopsies and stuff on her order. Because it allowed the radiologist to check that spot, mammogram my DIEP boob, and do an ultrasound guided biopsy. All this with just a few days. Which is AWESOME-SAUCE.

Don’t be afraid to point stuff out. Don’t be afraid to be the squeaky wheel. You might be a pain in the ass. But you will be a pain in the ass who is ALIVE.

My biopsy came back negative.

It is my wish that this is your outcome as well. But it can’t be if you don’t schedule and attend to your own ta-tas.

MY POV on RWA | Fall Into The Story

Nora Roberts coming down on the side of righteousness.


Source: MY POV on RWA | Fall Into The Story

On implicit bias and white privilege — Rosalie Stanton

More RWA mess


Source: On implicit bias and white privilege — Rosalie Stanton

The Implosion of the RWA — Claire Ryan

Source: The Implosion of the RWA — Claire Ryan

A Piece of the RWA Puzzle | Kink Praxis

More RWA shenanigans


Source: A Piece of the RWA Puzzle | Kink Praxis

Own Voices Guest Author Mercy Zephyr: Fear Fed My Words | Limecello

Back in 2016, my spouse and I revealed to our friends and family that I was a woman with a husband, not a man with a wife as previously assumed. Unsure of myself and afraid, it was difficult to gather the courage to reveal that part of myself…

Source: Own Voices Guest Author Mercy Zephyr: Fear Fed My Words | Limecello

Reflections of a Lived Life

I just recommended the Artist Way by Julia or Julie Cameron to a friend on Facebook. Now, most of the people on my personal FB page are friends from high school. I went to a weird, freak high school where people have stayed in touch with each other over the years. We still have a pretty good turnout for both kids and teachers at our reunions. Although, they’ve gotten grayer as the years have moved on.


I stumbled on the Artist Way due to a recommendation from my bff. It literally was a necessary thing at a period in my life when I needed it. I wrote stream of consciousness in the mornings for almost three years. Probably longer than I thought I needed, but looking back far shorter than I should have. My mother’s death, wherein I went into a deep, dark depression fora few years probably could’ve benefited from journaling every morning. I forgot during that period as I was in survival mode. I wish I had kept up the writing so it would’ve already been there. I have given a lot of thought to getting back to it.

I still take myself on dates and buy myself presents. I spend ALL of my $10. I leveled up from $5 because inflation, yo.

Weirdly, the one other thing which has helped my mind is an amalgamation of a short story I read in 9th grade and something I read many years later. When I was in 9th grade, Mrs. Sinclair, who was my 9th grade English teacher gave us tons of short stories throughout the year. The one I remember in relation to this thought was one that was a science fiction. It was about the invention of teleportation. Humans has invented a teleporter. But in order to have living things alive from one point to the other, anything alive had to be put to sleep. So, you are put to sleep, you are teleported, and then you wake up. Less than a minute or two. A smarty pants boys wanted to know how and why a person had to be asleep to teleport. So, he took drugs or somehow concocted to stay awake during the teleportation. He ended up completely insane when he arrived on the other side.

Although the teleportation took only a second or two, the human mind when it teleports and doesn’t have a frame of reference perceives it as infinity. His brain had live an infinite amount of time… alone and in a vacuum. He came out insane. In case you have figured it out by now, humans are community species. We are built to live together with others. otherwise, bad things happen.

The second thing which hammered this home was Stephen Covey’s first 7 Habits book. I don’t remember anything else about that book today. But I remember this: Infinity resides in the space between action and reaction. The old ways of doing something doesn’t need to be kept because you have all the time and choices in the world as you sit in that space between the initial action and the attendant reaction.

When you put that together with the short story, you get a complete thought, in my mind at least.

Now, when you put all this together, using stream of consciousness writing to help your brain gain more time between action and reaction. Making that period of time go in slo-mo.

Anyway, I woke up this morning thinking these things and thought I would share them with you.

Infinity resides in that space between breathes.

Cancer and Learning Disabilities

I am three years into my cancer journey. August of 2016 was the month I learned my life would change. It’s been a hell of a ride so far.

A lot of people have told me they notice I have such a good attitude about the cancer. I tell them having agency in my own medical journey AND stellar at-home support are the keys to recovery with a sound mind. It’s an article for another time, but seriously y’all, being able to have choices was fabulous. With an out of control disease… having some control is NECESSARY. But I digress.

file cabinets

One of the interesting things I’ve noticed over the last three years is that the chemo stripped my mind of my normal coping mechanisms. For what, you ask. Well, I am pretty sure I have ADD. I say pretty sure because back when I was growing up, ADD or ADHD weren’t diagnoses. Not being able to sit still or listen very well were. Boys who had the wiggles and girls who daydreamed. All of that. It’s even more complicated because ADD and ADHD looks different in girls than in boys. And boys were the ones most studies are about… then… and STILL.

I’ve known I’ve had ADD since my early 20s when I was able to study such things at university. I figured out large quantities of caffeine, enough to keep one up all night in the form of “No-Doze” pills made me calm and withdrawn. All the same symptoms people taking who had ADD or ADHD and Ritalin, Adderall, etc., reported. It was enough tomato me look into why this would be. Thus, my amateur diagnosis of ADD. Because I’m not hyperactive. Just distractible.

As a child without a diagnosis, no one taught me how to cope with my world with the way I encounter it and how that didn’t work for the community at-large. I figured out that I needed low noise in the background to study. That standing up and walking for a minute helped. I learned how to stick information int the right mental file cabinet and I learned how to access it with ease. And I figured out how to get my body and mind to cooperate.

Chemo strips all of your mental coping mechanisms. That is, until you can re-trace those pathways afterward. But the way my brain is and the things that chemo did to it are both fascinating and frustrating. I am relearning how to cope all over again. With new behaviors. Some are old ones my brain is learning to use again. Some, though, are new ones. I don’t think I understood just how much my brain had learned to work around my distractibility or my desire to DO ALL THE THINGS AT THE SAME TIME, which is almost the same thing as being distracted. Being TOO attracted, if you get what I mean.

At some point in the last 13 years, I learned mediation. Well, I learned a form of it as an older teenager to help my brain stop whirling and go to sleep, but I mean I learned mediation deliberately as a thing in and for itself. One of the ways yoga has you mediate is to step back and watch what your mind brings up as you try to sit in nothing. Your monkey mind will have thoughts. What they are and how often thoughts come are interesting things to observe. Observing the ego is a fascinating thing. I don’t know what happens in other people’s minds, but in mine when I first started mediating, I would have MANY thoughts all coming in and out of my brain at different speeds. Lots of them and often. As I sit longer and longer in stillness just watching, my thoughts would slowly slow down. At no time have I ever had a mediation experience with no thoughts floating through. Even if it is one or two thoughts coming through every once in a while, I always have a thought running it’s narrative inside my head.

I am pretty sure mediation has helped me recover from chemo and having an ADD mind. Being able to sit and watch as my brain tries different things to get information into the correct filing cabinet AND be able to retrieve it has been interesting, to say the least.

It’s been three years since a diagnosis changed my life.

Hopefully, it won’t take eighteen to relearn or lean anew techniques and tactics and strategies to cope with my learning disability. My parents had to “donate” playground equipment to keep me in kindergarten because of my bad behavior as a kid, I’m not sure I have the wherewithal to make a “donation” to stay in society as an adult. Costs have skyrocketed, after all.